Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bad Mama!

I am such a bad blogger! I haven't blogged in 2 weeks! I'll get some interesting stuff up this week! If anyone has anything they would like to see posted, let me know!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Abstinence Only...


Seriously, who comes up with this CRAP? Let's preach our morals and religious beliefs to school kids, and tell them, now respect yourself, fall in love, get married, and THEN have sex.

Now don't get me wrong, I have NO problem with parents teaching Abstinence at home and in church and even community speaking events, but come on now. We ALL Know kids will be kids, and they don't like to be told NO. We NEED to be teaching comprehensive sex ed to our school kids IN SCHOOL. Many kids are not getting the sex talk at home, so our educators should be able to teach kids sex ed. Period.

What kids WANT and NEED is honest, accurate, and comprehensive sex education. They WANT to know how to use condoms and other birth control! They want to know STD rates and how to prevent STD's and pregnancy. Yes, Abstinence is the ONLY way to achieve both, BUT we know an overwhelming majority of teens ARE sexually active and NEED real and honest information, so they CAN make an informed decision.

This is from NARAL:

READ IT!!!!!!!

Access to Abortion...

It BLOWS my mind how people would want to restrict something so personal. The last I checked, my body was just that, MINE. What I do with it is MY CHOICE, MY DECISION, MY LIFE. Why are pro lifers so hell bent on making abortion illegal when we have other issues in this country, such as homelessness, hunger, poverty, lack of health insurance, lack of sex education, and many, many, other issues that NEED our immediate attention. This is from NARAL:

Access to Abortion

Making abortion access more difficult and dangerous is a key tactic in the anti-choice movement’s strategy. Today, 87 percent of U.S. counties have no abortion provider, yet anti-choice lawmakers continue to impose a broad range of restrictions on women’s access to abortion.

  • Refusal clauses and counseling bans ("gag rules") limit women's access to honest information and medical care, making it virtually impossible for some women to access abortion services altogether.
  • Congress has imposed restrictions on abortion care for women who depend on the government for their health care needs, including women serving in our military.
  • Numerous federal and state laws aggressively limit young women's access to abortion care and information.
  • Anti-choice activists have developed "crisis pregnancy centers" to confuse, coerce, and mislead women in order to prevent them from exercising their constitutional right to choose.
  • Anti-choice lawmakers have used propaganda and distorted scientific information as part of a strategy to instill fear in women to prevent them from exercising their right to choose.
  • Clinic violence, murder, threats, and intimidation endanger doctors and patients and further restrict women’s access to reproductive-health care. While there are state and federal laws in place to protect women and doctors, this campaign of violence is still a very real threat to the right to choose.

Support for access to abortion
Despite anti-choice lawmakers' efforts to block women's access to abortion care, leading medical groups, including the American Medical Association, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American Medical Women’s Association oppose these obstacles. Medical professionals know that legal abortion is extremely safe, and that illegal abortion endangers women’s health and lives. Learn more by reading our fact sheet:

Global Gag Rule

What is the Global Gag Rule?

The global gag rule (sometimes called the Mexico City Policy) cuts off U.S. funds to any overseas health clinic unless it agrees not to use its own, private, non-U.S. funds for: abortion services, abortion-related advocacy, and abortion counseling or referrals.

This policy blocks the world's poorest women's access to birth control and other family-planning services that prevent maternal and child deaths, unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortion, and the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.

Effects of the Global Gag Rule

The global gag rule has had devastating effects on family-planning services. As a consequence of the policy, overseas groups have closed health centers, cut staff, and raised fees. Thousands of women and families in need of public health services have been turned away from under-funded health centers.

History of the Global Gag Rule

  • The global gag rule was first issued by a Reagan Administration executive order. Introduced in 1984 and carried through the first Bush Administration, the global gag rule denied U.S. funding to foreign non-governmental organizations that either "perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations."

  • In 1993, President Clinton signed an executive order repealing the global gag rule.

  • After years of fighting to reinstate the global gag rule, anti-choice lawmakers finally succeeded in forcing President Clinton's hand in 1999 by making their release of nearly $1 billion in U.S. back dues to the United Nations conditional upon his acceptance of the gag rule.

  • On January 22, 2001, President George W. Bush re-imposed the global gag rule by executive memo.

  • On January 23, 2009, President Barack Obama rescinded the global gag rule by executive order. --Thank Goodness President Obama! We LOVE you!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


To my Liberal minded, hippy, ObamaMama blog! Sit back and enjoy the ride!